Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back Burner

Well, I was chatting with my boss the other day about Earned Days Off (EDOs). I thought that you worked over time to bank up an EDO. So, this year I worked an extra 4 hours so far. Usually, I would just adjust my time when I wanted and work less on a day(s) to reduce the extra hours earned.

Apparently, this is incorrect. I am suppose to work extra as needed, but I get an automatic extra 5 EDOs off (regardless if I work less or more). So, last year I did not take these extra 5 EDOs. In fact, during the Xmas holidays, I took three Leave of Absence (LOAs) with NO PAY. Argh.

I am still awaiting my 6 month and annual performance review and a potential raise.

Oh, and 30 year old Frat Boys are dumb.

Listening to: Madonna - Sorry


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