Thursday, May 18, 2006

Love Something, Set It Free

The other day while grocery shopping, we had a bum cart. (I usually say " wagon ", but I always get harassed for saying this word. Although, I do not know what the big deal is.)

Anyways, we had to switch the cart for another one. Later, when we were putting my grocery items on the mover at the cashier, I noticed I was missing the plastic bags I brought and my last two canvas bags.

I had several canvas bags from my mum. Over the years, I have left these canvas bags here and there at various places during potlucks and trips. I was down to my last two bags, which I left in the old cart we switched.

It is strange how we create emotional attachments to inanimate objects. Some items have negative energy and some have positive energy. We keep so much clutter over time and cannot bear to part with any of it. Some say, just throw it out. But they do not understand that some items harbour old energy of people we love or who are gone.

I felt so upset and guilty for loosing those bags. To my dismay, the bags were not in the old cart. I know it was a accident, I cannot hold on to this distress. Hopefully, someone somewhere is utilizing them to their full potential.

1 comment:

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