Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where's the Beef?

Ok, if you did not know the title give props to an old 80s commercial--you are too young or way too old.

It's one of those weeks. You know, where as soon as you get home you want a nice chunk of dark chocolate. Better yet, a grilled steak, medium-rare, with a glass of shiraz served to you in a hot tub by a hunky delish man. (Save room for dessert...)

I settled for organic multigrain soya-mozza grilled cheese with Simply Organics ketchup and a strawberry black tea. No, really, it *was* satisfying.

So funny, Flight of the Conchords' Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor

I cannot stop listening to Michael Mind's remix of Christopher Cross' Ride Like the Wind. I noticed it in BToxic's Electrograde mix (electro-house remixes of retro songs).

Listening to: Michael Mind - Ride Like the Wind (Klaas Remix)


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