Well, it's official. I am traveling to Japan mid-March for two weeks. I am flying into Tokyo to meet Dani & Mike. They are currently in Thailand and will meet me in Japan. The flight only cost $1,100. In 2003, I purchased a ticket on JAL through Tokyo to Australia during SARS for only $1400. I *love* Japan Airlines. Best airline on earth. Amazing service, comfy seats, video insets, lots of hot towels, pocky, green tea and delicious meals.

We are meeting at Tokyo airport and staying in Tokyo for a few days. Then we are taking the train north, south and back to Tokyo. Needless to stay I am ecstatic. I cannot wait to be in completely awe of Japan's art, culture, history, cuisine and customs.
In one week, I have learned how to count to 10, say yes, no, thanks, no thanks, good morning and good afternoon.
I am currently watching
Lost In Translation for research.
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