Monday, July 09, 2007

That's All

It is interesting when you meet someone, and the encounter his you
like a brick wall. When you kiss for the first time, you feel the earth
move. Even every single time afterwards, when you kiss the earth seems to stand still.

You talk about feelings, what you want, the possible future. Things seem to move quickly and easily become intense because it is real
chemistry. You try to slow things down, but it is difficult because
you both fit so well like two missing pieces of a puzzle.

I never understood chemistry before, but now I do. You feel their
presence from across the room. You feel every molecule inside you
vibrating. It's more than a crush, desire or lust. You think about
how you have to have this person in your life until eternity.

But then, one of you panics or self doubts, and thinks about all the what-if's. The same person retracts the things he or she said and how he or she behaved. Defense mechanisms run so deep. You have to love like you have never been hurt before. It is so difficult.

Best to play it safe and continue your life with your security blanket firmly attached to the ground. Why take risks when you can settle for the safety and comfort of what is familiar and predictable. Because you have full control over your vulnerability. No sense in changing everything you have ever known for ultimate happiness, passion, and balance.

Listening to: Duncan Sheik - Barely Breathing


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