June usually feels like summer, but this one did not. I went up to the Sunshine Coast to camp with about sixty people for Lemuria. I had an incredible time being cozy in the tent playing Zigity with friends, dancing, listening to music, and hanging with great people. I love being out in the woods and listening to the sound of the wind rustle the trees and the birds singing. Little weekends away from the city are marvelous.
I also went to the Car-Free Commercial Drive Festival. This is one of the best street fairs I have ever attended. The streets from 1st Avenue to Venables were closed off to the traffic. There were street performers, art, music, DJs, information booths and vendors. I was there for four hours and saw many familiar faces. Stopped for ribs at Memphis Blues. There will be another festival in late July.
I went to a BC Cancer Fundraiser for a coworkers' team that participates in the Breast Cancer Walk. There were door prizes, a silent auction and stand-up comedy. The restaurant Zawa was terrible: poor service, warm drinks and minimal staff. However, we were there for a great cause. I did not manage to win any of the great prizes, such as hotel, whale watching or dinner. But all was good because the team raised what they were hoping for.
I was selected to participate in a sexual boundaries workshop with a group of twenty other people. It was interesting to hear other people's perspectivies on what constitutes consent. The idea of asking permission for anything new every time even with people you have previous established intimacy with was an interesting concept. So was checking in often as to whether or not the other person is still feeling good and having fun.
Lastly, I went to Critical Massive in Washington. It was at a private camp ground in Maple Valley with about 250 people. There was art, music, DJs, and great people. I really enjoyed the Equilaterial Electric trio playing string fusion late Saturday evening. The whole experience and camping with Kamp GFY moved me to go to Burning Man this year. I am in a positive and happy frame of mind, and single, I though it would be great to down to the burn with these folks. We had such a great dynamic and sense of family together that weekend. This will be my sixth burn. So much for quitting.
Listening to: Tommy Largo - Chacaron
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