Monday, November 23, 2009

Wal-Mart: The American Dream

I recently read on the Consumerist a story about a couple printing photos for the wife's father's funeral at Wal-Mart. The photo lab wouldn't give her several of her photos because the employee believed the photos may be copyrighted. The woman held back tears as she watched her deceased father's photos be shredded.

The article started whirling my brain to several other media stories I have read that cast a dark shadow on Wal-Mart's polices and practices. I do not shop at Wal-Mart because of all the employee labour laws it violates and all the pending class-action lawsuits.

However, even when Wal-Mart looses a class-action lawsuit for paying women less than men, or paying illegal immigrants less than minimum wage, it can pay the judgment easily because it makes $20,000 profit every minute, and a annual profit of $12 billion.


Mother Charged by Police Courtesy of Wal-Mart for Child Pornography

Walmart To Pay $7,000 OSHA Fine In Worker Death

11 Things Banned By Walmart


Listening to: Crosby, Stills & Nash - American Dream


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