Friday, June 03, 2011

Dog Tries To Play Fetch With A Sculpture

Link via Neatorama


Sci-Fi Themed Ikea Manuals

Link via BoingBoing


Legless Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years

A retired veteran Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years in northern China. Every morning, the 62-year-old rises at 5:00 am, puts on his prosthetic legs and climbs mountains and plants trees. Truly inspirational.

Link via Arbroath


Rainbows of Trash

Australian Liz Jones collects colourful pieces of fabric, metal, plastic and rubber to create Rubbish Rainbows.

Link via BoingBoing


Going West

Wonderful animation featuring art with books by Maurice Gee.


Modular Apartment

Could you live in a tiny apartment? Christian Schallert lives in an apartment of 258 square feet in Barcelona. With some creative, innovative design, he has created all the necessities of city living in this small space.

Link via Neatorama


100 Years of World Cuisine (War Casualties)

Artists Clara Kayser-Bril, Nicolas Kayser-Bril and Marion Kotlarski have created a mock-culinary art piece that compares the casualties of war.

Link via Neatorama


The Count Censored

Recently, I saw this censored Sesame Street segement with The Count. It is amazing how your brain fills in the omitted dialogue. I could not stop laughing while viewing it.


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