Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Recompression IX

I just returned from my 7th Burning Man Vancouver Recompression on the Sunshine Coast.

I had so much fun and made so many new friends. I camped my second year with Arabian Nights and hung out with the Cops.

The theme for the weekend was Alice In Wonderland. The Moose Lodge decorations were fantastic, as was the chill space. I enjoyed all the performances of the talent show, propane poofers, fireballs and bunny cannons by Disaster Area, the Legion of Flying Monkeys Karaoke Puppet Show, the Rally Car Race, the fire show choreographed by Mystress Fire, and the Man burn.

I also helped Yonderboy with his photo booth for 3 hours Saturday evening.

Not too mention, the food was fantastic!

The ferry ride home was rather awesome.

Listening to: Opus III - Dreaming of Now



Donna said...

hee, I know most of those cops... :D

Sinja said...

No way! I hope you offered many bribes for your concealed weapons!