HemLoft - Secret Treehouse in Whistler Woods
Link via Neatorama
Grandmother Carries Disabled Granddaughter Through Mountains To School
A 57-year-old Chinese Grandmother carries her granddaughter, who has cerebral palsy, 5 kilometres daily through the mountain roads throughout all seasons. Her granddaughter qualifies for free school and meals because she is disabled. Her grandmother has assisted her granddaughter for over three years and will continue as long as she is able.
Link via Arobroath
Giant Red Watch Dog
Sculpture designer Florentijn Hofman created Max, a giant red dog, out of locally sourced, recycled scrap material for the Dutch Village. Max is now a local landmark in the village of Leens.
Link via Inhabitit
Mini Caravan For a Stray Cat

A tortoiseshell stray cat wandered into Cosford Caravans one day and won the heart of owner Mervyn Hughes. He believes she was left behind when the Royal Air Force moved on. The company started to feed her but put her out at night to sleep outside. During a meeting with managing director of Bailey Caravans, Nick Howard asked about the cat. Hughes explained the stray had made Cosford Caravans her home. Not too long after, a miniature Bailey Orion caravan built by the Bailey engineers in Bristol arrived to the location specifically for the cat. Everyone at Cosford Caravans was amazed and Hughes had never seen anything like it in all his 28 years.
Link via Arbroath
Dog is thatcher's rooftop companion

In Scottow, North Walsham, a Newfoundland cross dog named Axel accompanies the thatcher roof team to the roof of the Three Horseshoes pub. One day Axel, who weighs 44 kg, climbed up the ladder to the roof to join the crew. He has become a bit of a celebrity in the town, however, he has not figured out how to get back down. He has to be carried back down.

Link via Arbroath
Glee Flash Mob & Marriage Proposal (Seattle)