Artist Stuart McMillen created an online comic about a small herd of reindeer introduced to an isolated island with natural resources and no prey. An interesting read if you are concerned about green living and the planet.
Link via BoingBoing
Tiger Nurses Piglets
From Animal Planet, a adult tiger nurses piglets.
Painted Trees
Artist Curtis Killorn gives new life to dead trees by painting dead trees bright colours.

Link via Neatorama
Smartest Dog in the World
A short animation by Graham Annable about an owner, a dog and a cat.
Link via Neatorama
Cat Dreams
What do cats dream about? Eating fish, chasing mice or cuddling with their owners? Artist Theresa Knudson created a series of portraits with a sleeping cat.
Everything Important about London
Artist Nick Patchitt creates wonderful spherical wall prints with iconic images and symbols. I think I like the Animal one the best.
Link via Neatorama
Monster Landscape Paintings
Artist Chris McMahon buys mediocre second-hand landscape paintings and paints monsters to them. Rather awesome indeed.
Link via Neatorama
Listening New Order - Regret