OllieOllie the stray cat who lives in Manchester Airport is being sent postcards from around the world. Ollie first received a hand-written postcard from Egypt a year ago and continues to receive postcards from Rome, Belgrade and Venice.
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Arboroath Serial Killer BarbieWhat if American girl-next-door Barbie was actually a serial killer? Artist Mariel Clayton has created a series of dioramas to explore Barbies darker alter ego.

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The Frisky
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Neatorama Book OrigamiEl Paso-based artist Isaac Salazar folds and cuts pages of books to create word-inspired art. Salazar's
creations are available on

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Neatorama Mom Unplugs Teens For Six MonthsI don't know how she managed to do it, but
Susan Maushart took away television, iPods, cell phones and video games from her three teenagers for six months. The transition was dramatic for some of children more than others, but gradually school grades improved, family dinners, movie and board game nights become common and fun again, and hobbies and interests developed. The social-networking and technological experiment proved insightful, but Maushart learned limited access improved family quality and lifestyle fulfillment.
Cult of LessChris Yurista, a Washington DC resident, says digital technology has replaced his need for a home filled with materiel possessions. The 27-year-old left his apartment a year ago and has not looked back. Kelly Sutton decided to downsize his material possessions and live out of a backpack with a laptop, an iPad, an Amazon Kindle, two external hard drives, a "few" articles of clothing, bed sheets, and a bike. The 22-year-old software engineer, who founded CultofLess.com, now lives in a tiny, minimalist apartment.
I worry about the cultural shift to increasing social interaction only by technology. There is less personal and physical interaction and more frequent short, burst communicative bites that are of less quality and empathy. People are becoming so sensitive to Facebook statuses, walking and driving while texting, and checking emails at dinner. People do not even hesitate as to whether to engage in these behaviors.
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BBC News Listening to: Queen -
Radio Gaga