Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Crayon Scultures
Artist Diem Chau carves beautiful detailed animals on crayons.

Geometric Light Sculpture
Beautiful geometric light sculpture by Dev Harlan.
Starry Night Photographs
Ten incredible slow exposure starry night photographs.

Listening to: Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Artist Diem Chau carves beautiful detailed animals on crayons.
Geometric Light Sculpture
Beautiful geometric light sculpture by Dev Harlan.
Starry Night Photographs
Ten incredible slow exposure starry night photographs.
Listening to: Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Prairie Dogs Riding Roomba
Nyan Cat Scarf

Link via Neatorama
Long Exposure Photography

Moonlight Shadow by Paul Bica
Link via Neatorama
Adorable Disabled Pets
Any living being deserves to live their life comfortably. Disabled animals always hold a place in my heart. Here is Carli Davidson's portraits of disabled pets.

Link via Neatorama
Men Pole Dancing
The North American stereotype for pole dancing has only focused on women, but what about men who excel at this talent?
Link via Neatorama
An animation by Jacon Frey.
RGB Wallpaper
The Milan based Carnovsky Group have designed wallpaper using RGB colours that changes the image depending on red light, green light, or blue light.
Link via Neatorama
Everything Is A Remix: Matrix
This a great series that shows how contemporary art forms are merely remixes of previously intriguing works.
Beautiful animation by Guy Collins about a stray cat in Australia. This was my favourite video last month.
Paper Haunted House Silhouettes
Craft Magazine how-to create paper silhouettes for windows.
Link via Neatorama
Dog Saves Dog
An amazing and brave dogs risk its own life to save an injured dog on a busy highway.
Amazing Opera Stage Designs
Wow does not even begin to appreciate these amazing, intricate stage designs for Bregenzer performing arts festival in Austria.
Listening to: Kavinsky ft Lovefoxxx - Nightcall
Nyan Cat Scarf
Link via Neatorama
Long Exposure Photography
Moonlight Shadow by Paul Bica
Link via Neatorama
Adorable Disabled Pets
Any living being deserves to live their life comfortably. Disabled animals always hold a place in my heart. Here is Carli Davidson's portraits of disabled pets.
Link via Neatorama
Men Pole Dancing
The North American stereotype for pole dancing has only focused on women, but what about men who excel at this talent?
Link via Neatorama
An animation by Jacon Frey.
BOB from Jacob Frey on Vimeo
RGB Wallpaper
The Milan based Carnovsky Group have designed wallpaper using RGB colours that changes the image depending on red light, green light, or blue light.
Link via Neatorama
Everything Is A Remix: Matrix
This a great series that shows how contemporary art forms are merely remixes of previously intriguing works.
Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX from on Vimeo
Beautiful animation by Guy Collins about a stray cat in Australia. This was my favourite video last month.
Paper Haunted House Silhouettes
Craft Magazine how-to create paper silhouettes for windows.
Link via Neatorama
Dog Saves Dog
An amazing and brave dogs risk its own life to save an injured dog on a busy highway.
Amazing Opera Stage Designs
Wow does not even begin to appreciate these amazing, intricate stage designs for Bregenzer performing arts festival in Austria.
Listening to: Kavinsky ft Lovefoxxx - Nightcall
Friday, November 04, 2011
Toe Mistakenly Sewn In Place of Thumb
Bristol resident James Byrne accidentally sawed off his thumb last December. After an attempt to reattach his thumb failed, plastic surgeons replaced the thumb with a big toe instead. Byrne stated he need his thumb back for his job as a paver, thus, he is grateful to have it back.

Link via Arbroath
Australia Offers Transgendered Passports
Australia now offers passports with the genders F, M, and X. Australian Senator Louise Pratt, Australia's first parliamentarian with a transgendered partner, who was born female but now a man, stated the change was a huge step forward.
Robert McClelland, the Attorney General, stated the new changes allow transgendered people to find traveling much easier. "Most people take for granted the ability to travel freely and without fear of discrimination," he said. "This measure will extend the same freedoms to sex and gender-diverse Australians."
Link via Arbroath
Police Sting Captures Burglar
Birmingham police were baffled when a rash of apartment burglaries that showed no forensic evidence, no surveillance or signs of forced entry. So, Birmingham police setup a sting with a flat monitored with video cameras. After setting up the sting, the monitoring alerted the police several hours later to the intruder. Police caught teenager Bubba Ambala red handed.
Link via Arbroath
Zombie Cupcakes
Betcha can't eat just one!

Link via Neatorama
Graeme the cat visits railway station twice a day to drop off and pick up his owner
Graeme, the cat, of Melbourne, Australia, meticulously walks along to the station, uses the subway to cross the tracks, drops his owner off, and returns in the evening to pick her up. He carefully waits behind the yellow line and knows exactly which train she will be exiting from. Graeme is popular with many train riders, who generally know him by name.

Link via Neatorama
Osaka Water Clock
An waterfall art installation in Osaka, Japan's train station shows the time, announcements and pictures in a waterfall.
Link via Neatorama
Leeches save woman's face after dog attack
Physicians in Sweden have used leeches to save a woman's face after her own dog bit off a chunk of it. A total 358 leeches were used in the operation to continually suck blood and to increase healing in her face. The woman will need some reconstructive surgery in the future.
Link via Arbroath
Team Canada builds TRTL Solar Shell Home for the Solar Decathlon
Team Canada has built a sustainable residence with a solar roof, energy efficent systems with sustainable materials. TRTL, which stands for Technological Residence, Traditional Living, was designed closely with the first nations communities of Treaty 7 with respect to their traditions and culture. The modular home is specifically designed for Southern Alberta and hopes to help alleviate housing issues. The design will be submitted by Team Canada for the Solar Decathlon.

Link via Inhabitat
Sleepboxes for Sleep On the Go
Russian-based Arch Group has designed structure for private, safe sleeping for two in only 4 square metres. This unit can be placed in any bus station, train station or airport.

Link via Inhabitat
A to Z
A creative video by artist Alessandro Novelli.
Trike Racing
Yep. Trike racing... Seems insane, but kind of cool.
Dogs In Schools to Curb Bullying
Kansas educators have implemented a creative solution to bullying in schools--dogs. Dogs teach children social responsibility and compassion. When teaching school-aged children about internalizing feels about being treated poorly, children can easily related to an animal being treated poorly. I hope this strategy works to curb bullying in schools.
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Sarah McLachlan - Fallen (Gabriel and Dresden Remix)
Bristol resident James Byrne accidentally sawed off his thumb last December. After an attempt to reattach his thumb failed, plastic surgeons replaced the thumb with a big toe instead. Byrne stated he need his thumb back for his job as a paver, thus, he is grateful to have it back.

Link via Arbroath
Australia Offers Transgendered Passports
Australia now offers passports with the genders F, M, and X. Australian Senator Louise Pratt, Australia's first parliamentarian with a transgendered partner, who was born female but now a man, stated the change was a huge step forward.
Robert McClelland, the Attorney General, stated the new changes allow transgendered people to find traveling much easier. "Most people take for granted the ability to travel freely and without fear of discrimination," he said. "This measure will extend the same freedoms to sex and gender-diverse Australians."
Link via Arbroath
Police Sting Captures Burglar
Birmingham police were baffled when a rash of apartment burglaries that showed no forensic evidence, no surveillance or signs of forced entry. So, Birmingham police setup a sting with a flat monitored with video cameras. After setting up the sting, the monitoring alerted the police several hours later to the intruder. Police caught teenager Bubba Ambala red handed.
Link via Arbroath
Zombie Cupcakes
Betcha can't eat just one!
Link via Neatorama
Graeme the cat visits railway station twice a day to drop off and pick up his owner
Graeme, the cat, of Melbourne, Australia, meticulously walks along to the station, uses the subway to cross the tracks, drops his owner off, and returns in the evening to pick her up. He carefully waits behind the yellow line and knows exactly which train she will be exiting from. Graeme is popular with many train riders, who generally know him by name.

Link via Neatorama
Osaka Water Clock
An waterfall art installation in Osaka, Japan's train station shows the time, announcements and pictures in a waterfall.
Link via Neatorama
Leeches save woman's face after dog attack
Physicians in Sweden have used leeches to save a woman's face after her own dog bit off a chunk of it. A total 358 leeches were used in the operation to continually suck blood and to increase healing in her face. The woman will need some reconstructive surgery in the future.
Link via Arbroath
Team Canada builds TRTL Solar Shell Home for the Solar Decathlon
Team Canada has built a sustainable residence with a solar roof, energy efficent systems with sustainable materials. TRTL, which stands for Technological Residence, Traditional Living, was designed closely with the first nations communities of Treaty 7 with respect to their traditions and culture. The modular home is specifically designed for Southern Alberta and hopes to help alleviate housing issues. The design will be submitted by Team Canada for the Solar Decathlon.
Link via Inhabitat
Sleepboxes for Sleep On the Go
Russian-based Arch Group has designed structure for private, safe sleeping for two in only 4 square metres. This unit can be placed in any bus station, train station or airport.
Link via Inhabitat
A to Z
A creative video by artist Alessandro Novelli.
The Alphabet 2 from n9ve on Vimeo
Trike Racing
Yep. Trike racing... Seems insane, but kind of cool.
Dogs In Schools to Curb Bullying
Kansas educators have implemented a creative solution to bullying in schools--dogs. Dogs teach children social responsibility and compassion. When teaching school-aged children about internalizing feels about being treated poorly, children can easily related to an animal being treated poorly. I hope this strategy works to curb bullying in schools.
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Sarah McLachlan - Fallen (Gabriel and Dresden Remix)
Friday, October 07, 2011
Cows Like Jazz
Letter Birdhouses
Artist Nishant Jethi decided to help the declining sparrow population by building smaller birdhouses in letter shapes.

Link via Neatorama
10 Weirdest Championships
Ever wonder what the most weirdest skill for championship events would be?
Link via Urban Savior
30 Gifts to 30 Strangers
Brazilian Lucas Jatoba has been living abroad in Australia. He was so greatful for all the wonderful gifts in his life, he decided to give out 30 gifts to strangers when he turned 30 years of age. The video is very beautiful and inspirational.
Weird and Wonderful Slides
Weird and wonderful slides in places you would expect and some you would least expect.
Link via Neatorama
NYC's Bike Share System
Next summer, New York City and Alta Bike Share will provide bikes for public use. Annual memberships will be cheaper than monthly MetroCards and the first 30 minutes of bike use is free. Way to go New York City!
Link via Neatorama
Letter Birdhouses
Artist Nishant Jethi decided to help the declining sparrow population by building smaller birdhouses in letter shapes.
Link via Neatorama
10 Weirdest Championships
Ever wonder what the most weirdest skill for championship events would be?
Link via Urban Savior
30 Gifts to 30 Strangers
Brazilian Lucas Jatoba has been living abroad in Australia. He was so greatful for all the wonderful gifts in his life, he decided to give out 30 gifts to strangers when he turned 30 years of age. The video is very beautiful and inspirational.
30 Gifts to 30 Strangers in Sydney from Lucas Jatoba on Vimeo
Weird and Wonderful Slides
Weird and wonderful slides in places you would expect and some you would least expect.
Link via Neatorama
NYC's Bike Share System
Next summer, New York City and Alta Bike Share will provide bikes for public use. Annual memberships will be cheaper than monthly MetroCards and the first 30 minutes of bike use is free. Way to go New York City!
The Phenomenal Success of Capital Bikeshare from Streetfilms on Vimeo
Link via Neatorama
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sand Art
Japanese artist Ako Tsubaki creates beautiful sand art in a vase. Can you guess what the sand art will become?
Cat With Two Legs Learns To Walk Again
A cat found with its two hind legs missing is learning to walk again. He can balance steadily for a brief moments. Originally, vets believed Deuce was attacked, but later decided he probably lost his legs in a farming accident.

Deuce has since gone to a humane society with hopes for adoption.
Link via Arbroath
100 Years of East London Style
Amazing Whale Rescue
Earlier this year, Michael Fishbach and his friends were boating in the Sea of Cortez when they found a humpback whale floating in the water. It appeared to be dead, having been trapped in a fishing net for a long time. Fishbach discovered that she was still alive — but only barely. They worked hard for an hour with only one knife to cut the net away and free her. Once freed, the whale showed its appreciation to her rescuers.
Link via Neatorama
Recycled Paper Art
Jennifer Collier of Unit Twelve creates every day objects out of recycled newspaper, maps and paper patterns.

Link via Neatorama
Rope Sculptures
Brazilian-born, Parisian artist Mozart Guerra creates sculptures out of nylon rope and styrofoam.

Link via Neatorama
Steampunk Octopus at Burning Man
Artist Duane Flatmo's flaming octopus Art Car titled El Pulpo Mechanico. It is made up of recycled parts with moving eyes, mouths and tentacles.
Muppet Dr. Who
Anything Muppets is marvelous. Dr. Who Muppets believed to be by artist Amy Mebberson.

Link via Neatorama
Simon's Cat & Mouse
Artist Simon's latest Cat cartoon.
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait
Japanese artist Ako Tsubaki creates beautiful sand art in a vase. Can you guess what the sand art will become?
Cat With Two Legs Learns To Walk Again
A cat found with its two hind legs missing is learning to walk again. He can balance steadily for a brief moments. Originally, vets believed Deuce was attacked, but later decided he probably lost his legs in a farming accident.

Deuce has since gone to a humane society with hopes for adoption.
Link via Arbroath
100 Years of East London Style
Amazing Whale Rescue
Earlier this year, Michael Fishbach and his friends were boating in the Sea of Cortez when they found a humpback whale floating in the water. It appeared to be dead, having been trapped in a fishing net for a long time. Fishbach discovered that she was still alive — but only barely. They worked hard for an hour with only one knife to cut the net away and free her. Once freed, the whale showed its appreciation to her rescuers.
Link via Neatorama
Recycled Paper Art
Jennifer Collier of Unit Twelve creates every day objects out of recycled newspaper, maps and paper patterns.
Link via Neatorama
Rope Sculptures
Brazilian-born, Parisian artist Mozart Guerra creates sculptures out of nylon rope and styrofoam.
Link via Neatorama
Steampunk Octopus at Burning Man
Artist Duane Flatmo's flaming octopus Art Car titled El Pulpo Mechanico. It is made up of recycled parts with moving eyes, mouths and tentacles.
Muppet Dr. Who
Anything Muppets is marvelous. Dr. Who Muppets believed to be by artist Amy Mebberson.
Link via Neatorama
Simon's Cat & Mouse
Artist Simon's latest Cat cartoon.
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait
Friday, September 16, 2011
Bridge Wind Chimes
Artist Mark Nixon made a wind chime sculpture under a bridge with 600 50mm diameter gold anodized aluminum pipes ranging in length from 120 mm up to 3750 mm. The art installation recently exhibited at Sculpture by the Sea in Aarhus Denmark.
Link via Neatorama
Man Sets House on Fire While Cremating Dog
A man grieving the loss of his Rottweiler accidentally set his house on fire while cremating his dog in Dale City. He had requested the authorities to pick up the dog's remains, but they informed him to bring it in. His car was too small, so he decided to cremate it on the property. After pouring gasoline on the remains, the flames transferred up the side of the house and on to the roof. The house suffered extensive fire and smoke damage. The dog's remains remained on a tarp next to the house. The animal control authorities eventually came to remove the dog's remains from the property.
Link via Arbroath
I Wear Fur

Link via Arbroath
Five Classic Movies that Seemed Terrible at the Time
Can you guess the huge blockbuster films that seemed like potential flops during production that grew to make millions of cashola?
Link via Cracked
Owl in Slow Motion
Baboons Kidnap and Raise Dogs as Pets
Groups of baboons kidnap, train and raise dogs as pets. Bizarre and difficult to watch at times. Nonetheless, it kind of makes sense when you think of how humans do the exact same thing.
Around the World In a Minute
MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo
Link via Neatorama
Grover's Smell Like A Monster
What A Helpful Kitten
Loving Owner Tries to Keep Pet Sheep
A Melbourne man, Vu Ho, 54, has paid upwards of $60,000 to keep his beloved companion home after the Greater Dandenong City Council threatened to remove his pet Baa. The Greater Dandenong City Council local laws officers hit him with a $220 fine on February 25 for "keeping livestock on land under half (a) hectare". Baa has lived with Mr. Ho for over 10 years. Mr. Ho says Baa is a close member of his family. If he loses the case on September 7, he faces $30,000 in legal costs plus a similar bill for the council's lawyers. The council updated the laws late last month, exempting cats and dogs from the term "livestock"
Link via Arbroath
Cat Donuts
Link via Neatorama
The 25 Greatest Unscripted Movie Scenes
I am a huge film buff, so it was interesting to see this video montage of the best 25 greatest unscripted movie scenes.
Link via Neatorama
10 Disturbing Ads Featuring Kids
Link via Neatorama
Story of Two Elephants: Shirley and Jenny
Shirley and Jenny were two circus elephants that were chained up most of their circus days except when they were forced to perform for audiences. Shirley adopted Jenny when she was calf and become her surrogate mother. Soon after, Shirley was moved and Jenny was forced to continue performing for next 23 years of her life until she sustained a leg injury. After she was injured, she was dumped on an animal welfare's doorstep. The animal welfare organization was barely equipped or funded to care for an injured elephant. An animal activist contacted an elephant sanctuary and had Jenny transferred there.
Jenny's first days at the sanctuary were spent in isolation. Because she was miserable without company of her kind, she was urged to spend more time with the herd. Coincidentally, Shirley was sent to the same elephant sanctuary years earlier. Upon recognizing each other, both Shirley and Jenny trumpeted as they bumped their ample bodies together in a typical gesture of affectionate camaraderie. Both elephants were happy to see each other after so many years apart. Immediately, the old friends were inseparable and soon were joined by another duo, Bunny and Tarra.
Unfortunately, Jenny's leg injury become critical and she worsened. When she became too weak, Shirley led her to a shaded valley area to lay down. Shirley used her truck to help Jenny stay comfortable. When the situation became to unbearable to bear, Shirley left to mourn the loss of her friend. Bunny and Tarra stayed with Jenny, trumpeting and easing her comfort, until she passed away.
Link via Arbroath
Jack Layton's last letter to Canadians
Jack Layton's last letter to Canadians dated August 20, 2011.
A Chalk Tribute in Toronto, Ontario.
Link via CBC News
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Peculiar Animal Sculptures
Artist Kate Macdowell creates animal sculptures with human accessories of war or human body parts. Quite intriguing.

Link via Neatorama
Illustrated History of Johnny Depp's Career
I am a huge fan of actor Johnny Deep. His character roles are diverse and delightful to watch. Artist Derek Eads has created a poster with each of Depp's characters.

Marine Sculptures Using Ocean Plastic Debris
Oregon artist Angela Pozzi was frustrated by the waste debris that washed up on the beaches near her home. So, she decided to create art sculptures of marine life out of the ocean debris. The exhibit is titled Washed Ashore Project.
Link via Inhabitat
Tesco Virtual Store in Korean Subway Station
Jesse and Joy's Chocolate
Three Girls Win Google Science Fair
Three girls are the winners of the Google Science Fair, a co-ed science competition. Lauren Hodge studied the effects of different marinades on the level of carcinogens in chicken, Naomi Shah studied indoor air quality and asthma, and Grand Prize Winner Shree Bose studied ways to improve ovarian cancer treatment for women who have built up a resistance to chemotherapy drugs. Way to go girls of science!

Link via Geek Feminism
The Mountain
Chicken Adopts Ostriches
Link via Arbroath
Depressed Ferret Flees Circus with Monkey and Parakeet
A ferret, monkey and parakeet have run away from a circus in East Siberian city of Chita apparently due to "depression from the bad weather." The monkey was found in a doghouse cuddling with the dog. The whereabouts of the ferret and parakeet are unknown.
Link via Arbroath
Why Google + is Superior to Facebook

Listening to: The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Artist Kate Macdowell creates animal sculptures with human accessories of war or human body parts. Quite intriguing.
Link via Neatorama
Illustrated History of Johnny Depp's Career
I am a huge fan of actor Johnny Deep. His character roles are diverse and delightful to watch. Artist Derek Eads has created a poster with each of Depp's characters.
Marine Sculptures Using Ocean Plastic Debris
Oregon artist Angela Pozzi was frustrated by the waste debris that washed up on the beaches near her home. So, she decided to create art sculptures of marine life out of the ocean debris. The exhibit is titled Washed Ashore Project.
Link via Inhabitat
Tesco Virtual Store in Korean Subway Station
Jesse and Joy's Chocolate
Three Girls Win Google Science Fair
Three girls are the winners of the Google Science Fair, a co-ed science competition. Lauren Hodge studied the effects of different marinades on the level of carcinogens in chicken, Naomi Shah studied indoor air quality and asthma, and Grand Prize Winner Shree Bose studied ways to improve ovarian cancer treatment for women who have built up a resistance to chemotherapy drugs. Way to go girls of science!

Link via Geek Feminism
The Mountain
The Mountain from TSO Photography on Vimeo.
Chicken Adopts Ostriches
Link via Arbroath
Depressed Ferret Flees Circus with Monkey and Parakeet
A ferret, monkey and parakeet have run away from a circus in East Siberian city of Chita apparently due to "depression from the bad weather." The monkey was found in a doghouse cuddling with the dog. The whereabouts of the ferret and parakeet are unknown.
Link via Arbroath
Why Google + is Superior to Facebook
Listening to: The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Goose, Goslings and Their Escort
A mother goose and her goslings were monitored by I-90 Seattle, Washington traffic cameras and a police cruiser as the walked down the highway.
Link via Neatorama
Paper Art
Paper art is quickly becoming an art world phenomenon. Artist Calvin Nicholls is a wonderful up and coming talent in in the paper art world.

Link via Neatorama
New York Bike Lanes Are Not Safe
New York cyclist Casey Neistat consistently received tickets for biking outside the bike lane. He created this video to prove it is not safe to bike in the bike lanes in NYC.
Terminally Ill Owner and Dog Reunited
When homeless Kevin McClain was found by paramedics living in a Wal-Mart parking lot with lung cancer, he was moved from a hospital to a hospice. His beloved dog Yurt, whom he raised from a pup, was transported to an animal shelter. Mr. McClain yearned for his beloved companion as his health worsened. Paramedic Jan Erceg, who also worked at the animal shelter, arranged for one last visit before McClain passed away. Yurt has since been adopted by a loving family.

Link via Neatorama
Jerusalem rabbis sentence canine reincarnation of lawyer to death by stoning
A Jerusalem rabbinical court sentenced a dog to death by stoning after determining the dog was the reincarnation of a famous secular lawyer, who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago. Thankfully, the dog managed to escape.

Link via Arbroath
World's oceans in 'shocking' decline
Link via BBC News
L’Homme Chat
Bela: L'Homme Chat is short documentary shot during Cannes Film Festival 2011.
"Bela" follows the day in the life of a street performer named Bela Erdei or "the cat man". Bela, a recognizable face to some, travels hours by train throughout the south of France to perform with his affectionate house cats. An affable and eccentric character who has a real passion for what he does.
7 Literal Cat Theives
Link via Mental Floss
Genderless Preschool in Sweden
Do we influence genders to be masculine or feminine? What if we allowed children to choose what colour they prefer or what toys to play with. A preschool in Sweden addresses all children as friends, not "him" or "her", allowing each individualistic child to define their gender role and preferences. But will the genderless programming create a more neutral and equal dynamic between boys and girls?

Link via Neatorama
B-Movie Title Generator

Link via Neatorama
Rubber Ducky You're the One
This lioness really wants her rubber ducky.
Link via Neatorama
Unusual Signs

Caption: Do not feed your baby as Crocodile dinnah! (Chomp Chomp)
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Alanis Morisette - Crazy
A mother goose and her goslings were monitored by I-90 Seattle, Washington traffic cameras and a police cruiser as the walked down the highway.
Link via Neatorama
Paper Art
Paper art is quickly becoming an art world phenomenon. Artist Calvin Nicholls is a wonderful up and coming talent in in the paper art world.
Link via Neatorama
New York Bike Lanes Are Not Safe
New York cyclist Casey Neistat consistently received tickets for biking outside the bike lane. He created this video to prove it is not safe to bike in the bike lanes in NYC.
Terminally Ill Owner and Dog Reunited
When homeless Kevin McClain was found by paramedics living in a Wal-Mart parking lot with lung cancer, he was moved from a hospital to a hospice. His beloved dog Yurt, whom he raised from a pup, was transported to an animal shelter. Mr. McClain yearned for his beloved companion as his health worsened. Paramedic Jan Erceg, who also worked at the animal shelter, arranged for one last visit before McClain passed away. Yurt has since been adopted by a loving family.
Link via Neatorama
Jerusalem rabbis sentence canine reincarnation of lawyer to death by stoning
A Jerusalem rabbinical court sentenced a dog to death by stoning after determining the dog was the reincarnation of a famous secular lawyer, who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago. Thankfully, the dog managed to escape.

Link via Arbroath
World's oceans in 'shocking' decline
Link via BBC News
L’Homme Chat
Bela: L'Homme Chat from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.
Bela: L'Homme Chat is short documentary shot during Cannes Film Festival 2011.
"Bela" follows the day in the life of a street performer named Bela Erdei or "the cat man". Bela, a recognizable face to some, travels hours by train throughout the south of France to perform with his affectionate house cats. An affable and eccentric character who has a real passion for what he does.
7 Literal Cat Theives
Link via Mental Floss
Genderless Preschool in Sweden
Do we influence genders to be masculine or feminine? What if we allowed children to choose what colour they prefer or what toys to play with. A preschool in Sweden addresses all children as friends, not "him" or "her", allowing each individualistic child to define their gender role and preferences. But will the genderless programming create a more neutral and equal dynamic between boys and girls?
Link via Neatorama
B-Movie Title Generator
Link via Neatorama
Rubber Ducky You're the One
This lioness really wants her rubber ducky.
Link via Neatorama
Unusual Signs
Caption: Do not feed your baby as Crocodile dinnah! (Chomp Chomp)
Link via Neatorama
Listening to: Alanis Morisette - Crazy
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Farmer Requires License to Remove Fish from Flooded Fields
Martin Reid of Sabrevois, Quebec, was previously fined $1,000 for fishing with a license to remove fish from flooded fields of his farm in 1993. He is concerned he may be fined a second time up to $100,000. Each permit obtained only lasts 2 weeks. Reid explained. "I have to transport them so as not to damage them, by containers with water inside. If some of them die, I have to bury them." Canadian bureaucracy at its best.
Link via Arbroath
Vogue Italia's Cover with Plus-Size Models

Viva Italia! There has been a lot of controversy the past few years regarding the fashion industry exclusively using waif-like, anorexic-looking models. Interestingly, maybe 1% of the women on the planet are a size 0. Nonetheless, Vogue Italia published a stunning cover with three plus-size models (I loathe this term) of Tara Lynn, Candice Huffine and Robyn Lawley, who all look absolutely stunning.
Link via TheFrisky
Ninety-Year-Old Tortoise Becomes Mother For First Time

A 90-year-old tortoise of the Dubbo Western Plains Zoo in Australia has given birth to a baby tortoise for the first time. The father could one of 2 tortoises in their 40s.
Link via Arbroath
Nighthawks of the Living Dead
Artist Alex Eylar's Lego interpretation of Boulevard of Broken Dreams with Lego.

Break Out
Clever cartoon on legal pad.

Link via Neatorama
4D Art Show

Link via Neatorama
Shape-Shifting Cuttlefish
Apparently, some cuttlefish can replicate the shape of objects around them for camouflage purposes.

Cheerleader Booted for Refusing to Cheer for Rapist
A Texas cheerleader Hillaire was axed from the team when she refused to cheer for her date-rapist. She is trying to fundraise funds to fight her case. When she decided to come forward with her statement, high school officials at Texas’ Silsbee High School told her to keep quiet. When the case was taken to the appeals court, it was dismissed, and her family is now required to pay $45,000 to cover the school’s legal fees. Basketball player Rakheem Bolton pleaded to the charge of misdemeanor assault, and was allowed back on the basketball team. After she was kicked off the cheerleading team, she was publically branded a slut. The allowance of Rakeem Bolton to continue to play basketball with the full support of the high school, as well as the way the court system and high school officials have behaved in Texas, reinforces that an alleged sexual assaulter can get away with date-rape. Truly a sad tale indeed.
Link via Mary Sue
Does the Internet Make Us Creepy?
A new opera titled Two Boys at the ENO London Coliseum, highlights the Internet culture (or lack there of) developing online. Social networking (Facebook, Twitter) is watering-down communication style to low levels. “Do you want to be my friend? Can I poke you? What’s your comment?”
Link via Neatorama
Mind Your Step
Milk Crate Sea Dragon
Woman sues ex-fiance after being impaled on fence while urinating from his veranda
An Australian woman is suing her ex-fiance after impaling herself from falling from an unsecured veranda. The woman has sustained extensive injuries to her urinary system, as well as her lower abdominal and pelvic regions. She claims she was urinating off the veranda that was not secure nor appropriately lit.
Link via Arbroath
Listening to: Swing Out Sister - Breakout
Martin Reid of Sabrevois, Quebec, was previously fined $1,000 for fishing with a license to remove fish from flooded fields of his farm in 1993. He is concerned he may be fined a second time up to $100,000. Each permit obtained only lasts 2 weeks. Reid explained. "I have to transport them so as not to damage them, by containers with water inside. If some of them die, I have to bury them." Canadian bureaucracy at its best.
Link via Arbroath
Vogue Italia's Cover with Plus-Size Models

Viva Italia! There has been a lot of controversy the past few years regarding the fashion industry exclusively using waif-like, anorexic-looking models. Interestingly, maybe 1% of the women on the planet are a size 0. Nonetheless, Vogue Italia published a stunning cover with three plus-size models (I loathe this term) of Tara Lynn, Candice Huffine and Robyn Lawley, who all look absolutely stunning.
Link via TheFrisky
Ninety-Year-Old Tortoise Becomes Mother For First Time

A 90-year-old tortoise of the Dubbo Western Plains Zoo in Australia has given birth to a baby tortoise for the first time. The father could one of 2 tortoises in their 40s.
Link via Arbroath
Nighthawks of the Living Dead
Artist Alex Eylar's Lego interpretation of Boulevard of Broken Dreams with Lego.
Break Out
Clever cartoon on legal pad.

Link via Neatorama
4D Art Show
Link via Neatorama
Shape-Shifting Cuttlefish
Apparently, some cuttlefish can replicate the shape of objects around them for camouflage purposes.
Cheerleader Booted for Refusing to Cheer for Rapist
A Texas cheerleader Hillaire was axed from the team when she refused to cheer for her date-rapist. She is trying to fundraise funds to fight her case. When she decided to come forward with her statement, high school officials at Texas’ Silsbee High School told her to keep quiet. When the case was taken to the appeals court, it was dismissed, and her family is now required to pay $45,000 to cover the school’s legal fees. Basketball player Rakheem Bolton pleaded to the charge of misdemeanor assault, and was allowed back on the basketball team. After she was kicked off the cheerleading team, she was publically branded a slut. The allowance of Rakeem Bolton to continue to play basketball with the full support of the high school, as well as the way the court system and high school officials have behaved in Texas, reinforces that an alleged sexual assaulter can get away with date-rape. Truly a sad tale indeed.
Link via Mary Sue
Does the Internet Make Us Creepy?
A new opera titled Two Boys at the ENO London Coliseum, highlights the Internet culture (or lack there of) developing online. Social networking (Facebook, Twitter) is watering-down communication style to low levels. “Do you want to be my friend? Can I poke you? What’s your comment?”
Link via Neatorama
Mind Your Step
Milk Crate Sea Dragon
Woman sues ex-fiance after being impaled on fence while urinating from his veranda
An Australian woman is suing her ex-fiance after impaling herself from falling from an unsecured veranda. The woman has sustained extensive injuries to her urinary system, as well as her lower abdominal and pelvic regions. She claims she was urinating off the veranda that was not secure nor appropriately lit.
Link via Arbroath
Listening to: Swing Out Sister - Breakout
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Cat Raising Baby Chicks
Niu Niu, a cat, has taken a fondness to helping in the raising of chicks in China.
The owner, a farmer, caught the cat getting into the chick's box and fear the cat was going to eat them. The cat frozen red-handed, then until the owner noticed the chicks playing with the cat. Now the owner lets the cat chick-sit while he is at work.

Link via Neatorama
Hampshire Police Mobilize Capture Tiger
Someone in Hampshire, UK reported a tiger relaxing on a golf course and the police were mobilized to capture the dangerous beast. (Un)fortunately, the wild tiger turned out to be stuffed.

Link via Neatorama
Dog Fights for Recover After Being Shot and Buried Alive
A dog is slowly recovering after being discovered buried alive, bound and shot that was accidentally discovered by animal welfare officers investigating neglected dogs in a field. They heard the muffled whimpering of an animal. After looking under a wooden plank, they discovered "Star".
Link via Arbroath
Couple Sentenced to Stand In Wadding Pool Wearing Life Jackets
A young couple who were swept away in a river without wearing life jackets have been sentenced to stand in a wadding pool with life jackets and hand out boating safety educational pamphlets.
Link via Arbroath
New York School Plants First Green Roof
NY Sunworks, a non-profit organization, has teamed up with Manhattan School for Children to build the first green roof in the city. The collaborative team plans to building over 100 green roofs on schools.

Link via Inhabitat
Pretty Girls Get Free Perks
Do pretty girls get more free perks than girls who do not make an effort to wear pretty clothing, wear makeup and coif their hair? Perhaps.
Link via TheFrisky
Dog Becomes Surrogate to Ligre Cubs
Four liger cubs born in Xixiakou Wildlife Zoo were at risk when their tiger mother stopped nursing them. A dog that recently nursed some puppies was enlisted to help.
Link via Arbroath
Cat Hugs Kitten
Canadian indie ISP owner recounts how corrupt monopoly drove her out of business
ISPs are dirty, but regulators refuse to investigate
The Canadian CRTC has received numerous complaints regarding ISPs' net neutrality and throttling bandwidth services, but fails to investigate complaints.
Link via BoingBoing
Man Proposes To Girlfriend Via Mural
Jeff Gurwin, 28, proposed to his girlfriend, Caitlin Fitzsimons, 27, both of New York by commissioning graffiti artists to create a Scrabble-themed mural.

Link via TheFrisky
Cat Plays Shell Game
German Cat Frida is quite good at the shell game. Paw-rific indeed!
Niu Niu, a cat, has taken a fondness to helping in the raising of chicks in China.
The owner, a farmer, caught the cat getting into the chick's box and fear the cat was going to eat them. The cat frozen red-handed, then until the owner noticed the chicks playing with the cat. Now the owner lets the cat chick-sit while he is at work.
Link via Neatorama
Hampshire Police Mobilize Capture Tiger
Someone in Hampshire, UK reported a tiger relaxing on a golf course and the police were mobilized to capture the dangerous beast. (Un)fortunately, the wild tiger turned out to be stuffed.
Link via Neatorama
Dog Fights for Recover After Being Shot and Buried Alive
A dog is slowly recovering after being discovered buried alive, bound and shot that was accidentally discovered by animal welfare officers investigating neglected dogs in a field. They heard the muffled whimpering of an animal. After looking under a wooden plank, they discovered "Star".
Link via Arbroath
Couple Sentenced to Stand In Wadding Pool Wearing Life Jackets
A young couple who were swept away in a river without wearing life jackets have been sentenced to stand in a wadding pool with life jackets and hand out boating safety educational pamphlets.
Link via Arbroath
New York School Plants First Green Roof
NY Sunworks, a non-profit organization, has teamed up with Manhattan School for Children to build the first green roof in the city. The collaborative team plans to building over 100 green roofs on schools.
Link via Inhabitat
Pretty Girls Get Free Perks
Do pretty girls get more free perks than girls who do not make an effort to wear pretty clothing, wear makeup and coif their hair? Perhaps.
Documentary : Sexy Girls Have It Easy from Bright Hand Pictures on Vimeo
Link via TheFrisky
Dog Becomes Surrogate to Ligre Cubs
Four liger cubs born in Xixiakou Wildlife Zoo were at risk when their tiger mother stopped nursing them. A dog that recently nursed some puppies was enlisted to help.
Link via Arbroath
Cat Hugs Kitten
Canadian indie ISP owner recounts how corrupt monopoly drove her out of business
ISPs are dirty, but regulators refuse to investigate
The Canadian CRTC has received numerous complaints regarding ISPs' net neutrality and throttling bandwidth services, but fails to investigate complaints.
Link via BoingBoing
Man Proposes To Girlfriend Via Mural
Jeff Gurwin, 28, proposed to his girlfriend, Caitlin Fitzsimons, 27, both of New York by commissioning graffiti artists to create a Scrabble-themed mural.
Link via TheFrisky
Cat Plays Shell Game
German Cat Frida is quite good at the shell game. Paw-rific indeed!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
3D Pencil Drawings by 17 Year Old
Artist Fredo creates 3D pencil drawings that are so intense and surreal.
The lizard and elephant drawings are my favourites.
Link via Neatorama
Underwater Explosion
Link via Neatorama
Victorian London
An interesting collection of photographs from 1800s London.

Link via Neatorama
Magnet Boy
A six-year-old Croatian boy has an apparent ability to attract metal to his body. Health professionals have investigated his special abilities and have not been able to find a scientific explanation for his unique gift.

Link via BoingBoing
Community Bakery Promotes Pay What You Can
Imagine a bakery where it suggests its customers pay what they can afford or deem reasonable for fresh baked goods. Would this business model work? Could the little bakery that could survive? Apparently so.
Panera Bread has adopted this model in three of its 1500 stores in the United States. During the first year, sixty percent of customers pay the suggested amount, twenty percent pay more and twenty percent pay less. One customer even paid $500 for a meal. Sometimes pay it forward really does work.
Link via BoingBoing
Science of Cheese
Link via BoingBoing
Artist Fredo creates 3D pencil drawings that are so intense and surreal.
The lizard and elephant drawings are my favourites.
Link via Neatorama
Underwater Explosion
Link via Neatorama
Victorian London
An interesting collection of photographs from 1800s London.
Link via Neatorama
Magnet Boy
A six-year-old Croatian boy has an apparent ability to attract metal to his body. Health professionals have investigated his special abilities and have not been able to find a scientific explanation for his unique gift.
Link via BoingBoing
Community Bakery Promotes Pay What You Can
Imagine a bakery where it suggests its customers pay what they can afford or deem reasonable for fresh baked goods. Would this business model work? Could the little bakery that could survive? Apparently so.
Panera Bread has adopted this model in three of its 1500 stores in the United States. During the first year, sixty percent of customers pay the suggested amount, twenty percent pay more and twenty percent pay less. One customer even paid $500 for a meal. Sometimes pay it forward really does work.
Link via BoingBoing
Science of Cheese
Link via BoingBoing
Friday, June 03, 2011
Dog Tries To Play Fetch With A Sculpture
Link via Neatorama
Sci-Fi Themed Ikea Manuals

Link via BoingBoing
Legless Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years
A retired veteran Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years in northern China. Every morning, the 62-year-old rises at 5:00 am, puts on his prosthetic legs and climbs mountains and plants trees. Truly inspirational.
Link via Arbroath
Rainbows of Trash
Australian Liz Jones collects colourful pieces of fabric, metal, plastic and rubber to create Rubbish Rainbows.

Link via BoingBoing
Going West
Wonderful animation featuring art with books by Maurice Gee.
Modular Apartment
Could you live in a tiny apartment? Christian Schallert lives in an apartment of 258 square feet in Barcelona. With some creative, innovative design, he has created all the necessities of city living in this small space.
Link via Neatorama
100 Years of World Cuisine (War Casualties)
Artists Clara Kayser-Bril, Nicolas Kayser-Bril and Marion Kotlarski have created a mock-culinary art piece that compares the casualties of war.

Link via Neatorama
The Count Censored
Recently, I saw this censored Sesame Street segement with The Count. It is amazing how your brain fills in the omitted dialogue. I could not stop laughing while viewing it.
Link via Neatorama
Sci-Fi Themed Ikea Manuals
Link via BoingBoing
Legless Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years
A retired veteran Chinese man has planted 3,000 trees in 10 years in northern China. Every morning, the 62-year-old rises at 5:00 am, puts on his prosthetic legs and climbs mountains and plants trees. Truly inspirational.
Link via Arbroath
Rainbows of Trash
Australian Liz Jones collects colourful pieces of fabric, metal, plastic and rubber to create Rubbish Rainbows.
Link via BoingBoing
Going West
Wonderful animation featuring art with books by Maurice Gee.
Modular Apartment
Could you live in a tiny apartment? Christian Schallert lives in an apartment of 258 square feet in Barcelona. With some creative, innovative design, he has created all the necessities of city living in this small space.
Link via Neatorama
100 Years of World Cuisine (War Casualties)
Artists Clara Kayser-Bril, Nicolas Kayser-Bril and Marion Kotlarski have created a mock-culinary art piece that compares the casualties of war.
Link via Neatorama
The Count Censored
Recently, I saw this censored Sesame Street segement with The Count. It is amazing how your brain fills in the omitted dialogue. I could not stop laughing while viewing it.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Eco-Friendly and Fabulous!
The Greenest House in Chicago is a Self-Sufficient Clean Tech Showcase
The Smart Home designed by Michelle Kaufmann was showcased at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The house features numerous environmental design initiatives including energy-efficient heated radiant subfloors, Low-E windows, mechanized shading, recycled flooring and tile, and a green roof.

When I saw the Smart Home in an online article a few years ago, I knew I wanted to eventual live in it. The only drawback is the real estate in Vancouver is exorbitant.
Link via Inhabitat
Wasara Japanese Compostable Tableware
Designer Shinichiro Ogata of Wasara has created beautiful, compostable tableware out of tree-free biodegradable composite materials bamboo, reed pulp and bagasse (an agricultural waste byproduct). Starter kits start at $20.

Link via Inhabitat
Pantene Launches Sugarcane Packaging
Pantene is launching plant-based packaging in Western Europe. Len Sauers, Vice President of Sustainability, the new packaging is expected to cut the company's fossil-fuel consumption by 70 percent and reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions by 170 percent.
Link via Habitat
LEED Platinum Vancouver Convention Centre Takes Home Top Ten AIA COTE Award
The new Vancouver Convention Centre has won an AIA Cote Award for its LEED Platinum sustainable design integrating ecology, habitat restoration, energy efficiency, and integration into the urban environment. Bravo LMN Architects, Musson Cattell Mackey, DA Architects + Planners, the Province of British Columbia, and the City of Vancouver.
Link via Inhabitat
Listening to: Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi
The Smart Home designed by Michelle Kaufmann was showcased at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The house features numerous environmental design initiatives including energy-efficient heated radiant subfloors, Low-E windows, mechanized shading, recycled flooring and tile, and a green roof.

When I saw the Smart Home in an online article a few years ago, I knew I wanted to eventual live in it. The only drawback is the real estate in Vancouver is exorbitant.
Link via Inhabitat
Wasara Japanese Compostable Tableware
Designer Shinichiro Ogata of Wasara has created beautiful, compostable tableware out of tree-free biodegradable composite materials bamboo, reed pulp and bagasse (an agricultural waste byproduct). Starter kits start at $20.
Link via Inhabitat
Pantene Launches Sugarcane Packaging
Pantene is launching plant-based packaging in Western Europe. Len Sauers, Vice President of Sustainability, the new packaging is expected to cut the company's fossil-fuel consumption by 70 percent and reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions by 170 percent.
Link via Habitat
LEED Platinum Vancouver Convention Centre Takes Home Top Ten AIA COTE Award
The new Vancouver Convention Centre has won an AIA Cote Award for its LEED Platinum sustainable design integrating ecology, habitat restoration, energy efficiency, and integration into the urban environment. Bravo LMN Architects, Musson Cattell Mackey, DA Architects + Planners, the Province of British Columbia, and the City of Vancouver.
Link via Inhabitat
Listening to: Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Joe the All-Terrain Bunny
Joe the bunny was born paraplegic. His owner built a mobility device to allow him to move more easily.
Link via Neatorama
Zombie-Proof House
A house that converts into a fortress just incase of a zombie apocalypse.
Link via Neatorama
Laughter Yoga With Clowns
A Calgary teenager, who was born with a rare liver disease and became paralyzed three years ago, received some therapy through laughter. Two therapeutic clowns, Jumpa (Fif Fernandes) and Sparkle (Cheryl Oberg) at the Alberta Children's Hospital
assisted Micaela in yoga laughter classes to help reduce pain and stress and increase oxygen intake through breathing and laughing. These exercises helped exercise slowly speak again and gain some mobility back. Laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Link via Arbroath
Dog submerged herself in bathtub to survive raging fire
A Belgian Malinois named Mia survived a house fire for six hours by seeking refuge in a water-filled bathtub in the basement of a burning house. The Southern Carolinian family insists the dog had always been smart. The dog had learned to open doors and would have had to open four doors to get to the bathtub in the basement.
Link via Arbroath
Factory workers forced to pledge not to commit suicide
At least 14 works in Apple's factor in China have committed suicide in the past sixteen months. This number does not include failed suicide attempts. Staff members are being forced to sign written promises to not commit suicide.
In addition, the staff members must also promise that if they did end their lives, their families would not seek damages beyond the legal minimum. One executive accused victims of committing suicide to win compensation payouts for relatives.
Link via Arbroath
I Want by the Animal Humane Society
Joe the bunny was born paraplegic. His owner built a mobility device to allow him to move more easily.
Link via Neatorama
Zombie-Proof House
A house that converts into a fortress just incase of a zombie apocalypse.
Link via Neatorama
Laughter Yoga With Clowns
A Calgary teenager, who was born with a rare liver disease and became paralyzed three years ago, received some therapy through laughter. Two therapeutic clowns, Jumpa (Fif Fernandes) and Sparkle (Cheryl Oberg) at the Alberta Children's Hospital
assisted Micaela in yoga laughter classes to help reduce pain and stress and increase oxygen intake through breathing and laughing. These exercises helped exercise slowly speak again and gain some mobility back. Laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Link via Arbroath
Dog submerged herself in bathtub to survive raging fire
A Belgian Malinois named Mia survived a house fire for six hours by seeking refuge in a water-filled bathtub in the basement of a burning house. The Southern Carolinian family insists the dog had always been smart. The dog had learned to open doors and would have had to open four doors to get to the bathtub in the basement.
Link via Arbroath
Factory workers forced to pledge not to commit suicide
At least 14 works in Apple's factor in China have committed suicide in the past sixteen months. This number does not include failed suicide attempts. Staff members are being forced to sign written promises to not commit suicide.
In addition, the staff members must also promise that if they did end their lives, their families would not seek damages beyond the legal minimum. One executive accused victims of committing suicide to win compensation payouts for relatives.
Link via Arbroath
I Want by the Animal Humane Society
Monday, May 09, 2011
Unclaimed Baggage Center
Where does one's unclaimed baggage go? Apparently, it goes on a final trip to Alabama.

Link via Neatorama
Shelties Rescued From Radiation Area
Several shelties were rescued from a radiation area in Minami Soma, Japan. The group of dogs were waiting for their breeder owner. A group of volunteers managed to rescue about twenty of the dogs and transport them to a veterinarian.

Link via Neatorama
Ocelet Takes First Steps
Few months old ocelot kitten, Evita, took its first steps close to its mother, Bella. She is slowly taking in her new surroundings. The Woodland Park Zoo has posted some wonderful photos on their blog.

Link via Woodland Park Zoo

Link via Arbroath
Tiger Plays With Dogs
Link via Arbroath
Chinese Activists Save Dogs
In China, hundreds of dogs were saved from cooking pots by about 200 animal-rights activists. A truck transporting 430 to 520 dogs was forced to stop by a swerving motorist. Many of the dogs had been stolen from owners. After a 15-hour stand-off, the animal-protection group purchased the dogs for 115,000 yuan ($17,600).
Link via Arbroath
Where does one's unclaimed baggage go? Apparently, it goes on a final trip to Alabama.
Link via Neatorama
Shelties Rescued From Radiation Area
Several shelties were rescued from a radiation area in Minami Soma, Japan. The group of dogs were waiting for their breeder owner. A group of volunteers managed to rescue about twenty of the dogs and transport them to a veterinarian.
Link via Neatorama
Ocelet Takes First Steps
Few months old ocelot kitten, Evita, took its first steps close to its mother, Bella. She is slowly taking in her new surroundings. The Woodland Park Zoo has posted some wonderful photos on their blog.

Link via Woodland Park Zoo

Link via Arbroath
Tiger Plays With Dogs
Link via Arbroath
Chinese Activists Save Dogs
In China, hundreds of dogs were saved from cooking pots by about 200 animal-rights activists. A truck transporting 430 to 520 dogs was forced to stop by a swerving motorist. Many of the dogs had been stolen from owners. After a 15-hour stand-off, the animal-protection group purchased the dogs for 115,000 yuan ($17,600).
Link via Arbroath
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