Finally, Vancouver is starting to showcase and magnify the landscape with temporary and permanent urban art installations. The previous week, I walked with J across the Cambie Bridge and along False Creek North to English Bay. Along the seawall, we saw many art installations and the new park by Granville Bridge.
By Sunset Beach, there is a beautiful aluminum art structure in the
shape of a man consisting of letters and symbols from many languages. Another installation is a group of
bronze statues laughing at English Bay. The metallic structure at Vanier Park titled
Freezing Water is another installation.

These art installations are part of the Biennial Exhibition.
This week, I walked with J again over the Cambie Bridge, past Chinatown, through Gastown, around Canada Place and around the new
Convention Centre. The interior of the
Convention Centre is stunning. The new center has a
living roof, seawater heating and cooling system, on-site water treatment (recycles washroom water) and a fish habitat in the foundation.

The art installations consist of a gigantic
blue teardrop (maybe a raindrop) and a
Digital Orca by Douglas Coupland.
Listening to: Gorillaz -