Screwed I tell you. Not in a good way either. According to
Michael Geist's explanation to the Canadian Senate, our Internet network is ranked 28 out of 30 OECD countries. The ranking is based on pricing, service, infrastructure and bit caps. We rank near the bottom in all four categories. Japan, Korea and France out rank us in all categories.
One has to wonder if this known fact of our Internet over last 15 or so years has also inhibited our consumer rights, business development, research and development, or academia.
It's the same with other urban issues: regulations, collective consciousness, transportation, consumer pricing, and cell phone plans. We pay more because we have no choice.
The US Congress is now promoting a
Buy American rule in the US. The Congress is urging Americans to buy only products made with American resources or made only in America.

Many Canadians already support this mandate buy shopping at big American chains or corporations. Americans are very patriotic and will probably spend more to support their fellow Americans. Canadians will not and will typically choose the cheaper American brand (China-made) option. Who doesn't love Wal-Mart over Zellers, or Home-Depot over Rona?
Over 80% of our resource exports are to the US. This US movement could cripple our economy. Moreover, I could not see American corporations would pay higher costs for resources. They would not longer remain competitive in the market at higher prices. During a recession, I do not see the masses paying higher costs for disposable products.
List of
Canadian companies on the TSE.
The whole ideal reminds me of the early 2000s when companies hung signs and banners of "Canadian Proud", even though they were American corporations.
Listening to: " target="new">REM -
Loosing My Religion