My long weekend in Seattle was a blast. We stayed with friends in South Park and kept singing our "
theme". Arrived very late on Friday, chatted with our hostess for a bit, and then crashed.
On Saturday, our hostess made us waffles, eggs and bacon. Delicious. I love their dog. She's wonderful. Very friendly and obedient. She can close the door after she goes outside all by herself.
Since everyone was going roller skating and then to a wedding later, I opted to meet up with a friend. He and his loved one were hosting a get-together in West Seattle for a friend that was passing through town. We stopped off at the Utilikilt store. The store was out of basic black kilts in my size. My friend insisted I try on a new style that was blue corduroy. I was resistant at first, but then, oh my, it was a perfect fit! Felt comfortable and not heavy or hot like I anticipated. I got one and ordered the black one. My friend tried on a red corduroy one. He looked so *hawt*. He took it too.
We went back to his place. Some friends came over and we worked on our camp banner for Burning Man. Then we played cards. I was so ecstatic. No one I know plays cards anymore. When I was young, we could not sit at the grown-ups table unless we played cards. They taught me a game called
Presidents and Assholes. It was a lot of fun, except when you are an Asshole. My President's rule was pass your worst card to the left and your best card to the right.
After, a bunch of folks came over to hang out. I met lots of new people, including Mom and Dad. Mom was very loving, but she reminded me how important it is to buy your mom a Mother's Day present every year. I took a nap for a bit and started laughing when I heard Diem's voice.
I got up and people had come over post-wedding. Fasty & Gia came by to pick me up and take me to another house party. I wore my new kilt. Woo! It was great to see the bride and groom. I gave them my congratulations. They both looked lovely. I saw a few pictures from the wedding. The location was a beautiful garden and the reception was under outdoor tents. I heard the food was amazing and there was even belly dancing.
On Sunday, we went to the PAD for brunch. Fasty & I cooked brunch. I had a blast. The PAD is wonderful and has a huge back yard. One wonders how one will ever afford that kind of palace in Vancouver.
We went to the
Fremont Market after and ran into Johay and Merry. We checked out the market and went for drinks on a patio. Worst waitress ever (well, almost). We went back to visit Jelly and Queen of the Harpies. We bought them snacks and treats. We watched the end of
Who's That Girl. That was a riot! Madonna during her Marilyn Monroe phase.
We did a bit of shopping to kill some time because we weren't quite right for dinner. We opted to go to a great Mexican restaurant in South Park, but it had just closed when we arrived. Tsk Sunday hours. We grabbed some take-away from the deli of a grocery store along the I-5 and headed north at around 9 pm. The border line-up was killer. I got in at about 1 am.
The holiday Monday was nice and relaxing. The weather was still stunning. We met up with Diem, K8 and BT to watch
The Simpsons movie. It really is awesome! It holds its own as a movie. I laughed all the way through. Fantastic! We gave BT some silly birthday presents.
After, I went to Fasty & Gia's to hang out and play Super Nintendo. We chilled all afternoon. I was so low-key; it was great. I went for great Japanese food near Metrotown at
Tomoya off Nelson and Kingsway. I had a wonderful Burnaby roll and 2 pieces of hamachi sushi. Yum.
Best weekend I have had in a long time. I did not even have to go camping!
Listening to: Pink Floyd -
Learning To Fly